Happy Easter & Welcome to the Sam Tutoring Blog
Welcome to the Sam Tutoring Blog, thank you for taking the time to visit the blog I thought it would be helpful to set out what the aims are for this publication and explain a little bit about the journey and what Sam Tutoring is all about.
Firstly let me introduce myself I am Samuel Adu-Gyamfi (the “Sam” in Sam Tutoring) and in February 2011 whilst on my gap year the idea of starting a tutoring company jumped into me whilst I was on the way to pick up my brother and sister from school. I wanted to study abroad and I thought I could run intensive classes to pay for medical school in Grenada. So when thinking of the name, I didn’t know what to call it, so I thought I’d start with something simple, what was I doing? I was tutoring, so I could describe exactly what I was doing. Sam (me) and I’m tutoring thus Sam Tutoring, it’s more a verb rather than a noun. My initial aim was to raise the funds I needed in 3 months, needless to say it didn’t quite work out like that.
I had no idea that its purpose would be much greater than that and four years later, having gone through many setbacks and disappointments, rethinking and remodelling not to mention a BSc in Biomedical Sciences. I’m still running with the same idea that jumped into me on that grey February afternoon, and I’m here now.
Sam Tutoring is now a thing, an education company based in London and in a nutshell we do everything learning orientated, it’s still in its infancy and since graduating last summer this is what I do full time, manage this (and some other ventures).
There are a lot of outstanding blogs where you can learn and grow, so I guess what makes this blog different is that it’s filtered through my eyes and experiences in academia, which have been extremely varied, so you may be able to relate directly to some of my experiences or it may be interesting to here and learn about something different.
One thing that I really enjoy doing is learning, be it formally or just in the world around me education for me is like a rabbit hole you go in just a little bit and realise there is another world on the other side, and whilst this is an academically focused blog there no reason why we can’t dabble in other things.
So what will we be covering in this blog?
We’ll be looking at studying in general, what methods work, for the different types of learners, new resources and courses to facilitate learning, we’ll look at time management and productivity, academia and careers and yes even a bit of entrepreneurialship, and personal development. I’ll also be posting subject and specification posts for GCSE and A-Level subjects to coincide with some academic forums we’ll be starting soon. Along with my posts and other members of the Sam Tutoring team, I’m going to be having guest posts from other academics and thought leaders, not just in academia but other areas such as the arts, entertainment and business. So I’m also looking forward to learning a lot. Bottom line this blog is for anything learning related. Education is one of if not the greatest tool we have to grow and change our circumstances that’s what my aim is for anyone that reads the blog they gain theoretical and practical skills to grow and develop as an individual.
But why Sam? You may ask, if you have a look through the website or you connect with Sam Tutoring on social media you’ll notice the strap line is ‘Educating the world for his Glory’ and in a nut shell this is why. I believe God gets glorified when people are helped to grow and develop as individuals, this holds me to a different type of moral standard so it becomes less about me and the things I know and what I can do and more about how I can use what I’ve learnt and know to enrich the lives of others this is what I get passionate about and with today being Easter Sunday, it seems like one of the few times of the year where people have a propensity for this kind of message but for me our whole experience as human beings is wrapped up in this. . .but that’s for another post!
So enjoy, I hope these posts really help you and challenge how you view learning and academia, I’m also looking forward to learning a lot. I hope you are enjoying Easter with the people and things that are important to you, we should definitely do this again . . . what do you say? Weekly on Fridays perhaps? It’s a date see you soon, pack a tooth brush it’s going to be a great journey of discovery!
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On facebook: www.facebook.com/Samtutoringone
On Twitter: @Samtutoring1
On Instagram: @Samtutoring